Class Page - Year 1 - Archive - March 2021


Home Learning: Monday 1st March 2021
 Collective Worship - Follow the link on Class Dojo to join in collective worship at 11am.

Literacy - Focus text 'If all the world were... ' by Joseph Coelho


Join our 'live' literacy session at 9.30am on Zoom.  Make sure you enter the waiting room 5 minutes early so I can take the register and start the lesson promptly.


Learning Intention - To write a description of a setting


Success Criteria - 

  • I have described what I can see
  • I have punctuated my sentences correctly (capital letters and full stops)
  • I have used interesting adjectives in my description


You can view the Powerpoint for this lesson at any point during the day here:


'If all the world were...' - Monday 1st March 2021


To open the slideshow - Enable editing, then select slideshow from the top, then play from the beginning.  Click the 'sound' icon to hear what your child needs to do in each part of the lesson. Pause at any time to complete tasks.


Don't forget to upload your work to Class Dojo!








Practice using each of these words in sentences:

past father class water again
grass pass plant path bath
 Reading - Click Oxford Owl

Username and Password can be found in your child's reading record.

Log in at the top righthand corner of the webpage.

Browse ebooks and select a book for your child to read.


Reading Comprehension -

Learning Intention - To answer straight forward questions about a text

Success Criteria -

  • I can read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words
  • I can recognise and read tricky words.
  • I can answer questions about a text


Today's reading is based on the author 'David Walliams'.  Read the text then answer the questions.  Try to do as much independently as you can. Choose which level you would like to attempt.



Learning Intention - To learn alternative graphemes for the ‘igh’ sound 


Success Criteria -

  • I can recognise the 'igh' sound in words
  • I can segment and blend words containing 'igh'
  • I can write words containing the 'igh' sound
  • I can read and write the tricky word - looked


Join the Zoom Meeting at 2.15pm for an interactive phonics session. 

Today will be revisiting the 'igh' grapheme which we learned previously in class.

Once finished you can have a go at this activity to consolidate

Forest Phonics

 Select ’igh’.

Maths -

Learning Intention - 


Success Criteria - 


Today's lesson can be accessed by clicking on the following video clip.  Feel free to pause whenever the need arises.  It is a good idea to print the sheets before watching the video as you are asked to pause at certain points where your child is required to answer specific questions on their worksheet.

Spr1.9.1 - Introducing the ruler from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

No worksheets today.

Religious Education 

Learning Intention - To understand the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’


Success Criteria - 

  • I can answer straightforward questions about a story from the New Testament
  • I can identify good friends in my life
  • I know what it takes to be a good friend
  • I can explain ways in which I have been a good friend


Today we are going to hear the story of the Good Samaritan.


Read the story together or watch the video below. See if you can spot the good friend in the story.


A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.

…”Who is my neighbour?”

Jesus answered, “There was once a man who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when robbers attacked him, stripped him, and beat him up, leaving him half dead.

It so happened that a priest was going down that road; but when he saw the man, he walked on by the other side.

In the same way a Levite also came there, went over and looked at the man, and then walked on by on the other side.

But a Samaritan who was travelling that way came upon the man, and when he saw him, his heart was filled with pity. He went over to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them; the he put the man on his own animal and took him to an inn, where he took care of him.

The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, ‘and when I come back this way, I will pay you whatever else you spend on him.’ ”

And Jesus concluded, “In your opinion, which one of these three acted like a neighbour toward the man attacked by the robbers?”

The teacher of the Law answered, “The one who was kind to him.”

Jesus replied, “You go, then, and do the same.”

The Gospel of the Lord.

(Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ)


  • Who was the good friend in this story?
  • What should the Priest and the Levite have done to be good friends?
  • Who does Jesus say is our neighbour?
  • Who is a good friend in your life? What do they do to be a good friend?
  • When have you been a good friend to others? How did it make you feel to be a good friend?
Home Learning: Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Literacy - Focus text 'If all the world were...' by Joseph Coelho.


Join our 'live' literacy session at 9.30am on Zoom.  Make sure you enter the waiting room 5 minutes early so I can take the register and start the lesson promptly.


Learning Intention - To create a springtime illustration


Success Criteria - 

  • I have thought about what colours are associated with spring
  • I have thought about what happens during the spring season
  • I have created a detailed illustration


You can view the Powerpoint for this lesson at any point during the day here:


'If all the world were...' - Tuesday 2nd March 2021


To open the slideshow - Enable editing, then select slideshow from the top, then play from the beginning.  Click the 'sound' icon to hear what your child needs to do in each part of the lesson. Pause at any time to complete tasks.


Don't forget to upload your work to Class Dojo!

 Spellings - Refer to Monday's spelling list.

 Reading - Click Oxford Owl

Username and Password can be found in your child's reading record.

Log in at the top righthand corner of the webpage.

Browse ebooks and select a book for your child to read.


Reading Comprehension -

Learning Intention - To answer straight forward questions about a text

Success Criteria -

  • I can read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words
  • I can recognise and read tricky words.
  • I can answer questions about a text


Today's reading is called 'Holi'.  Read the text then answer the questions.  Try to do as much independently as you can.  Choose which level you would like to attempt.


Learning Intention - To learn alternative graphemes for the ‘igh’ sound 


Success Criteria -

  • I can recognise the 'i_e' sound in words
  • I can segment and blend words containing 'i_e'
  • I can write words containing the 'i_e' sound
  • I can read and write the tricky word - asked


Join the Zoom Meeting at 2.15pm for an interactive phonics session.


Today will be revisiting the 'i_e' grapheme which we learned previously in class.

Once finished you can have a go at this activity to consolidate:


Look, Cover, Write, Check


Select ‘Year 1’, then ‘Patterns’, followed by ‘i_e’.

Read the word, memorise it then type it on the screen after it disappears.

Maths -

Learning Intention - 

Success Criteria - 


 Today's lesson can be accessed by clicking on the following video clip.  Feel free to pause whenever the need arises.  It is a good idea to print the sheets before watching the video as you are asked to pause at certain points where your child is required to answer specific questions on their worksheet.

Spr1.9.2 - Measure length from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Worksheets and Answers

PE - We can't do PE at school today so get fit at home.  You can even get your parents involved too!: 



RHE - 

Learning Intention – To understand the importance of maintaining personal hygiene


Success Criteria

  • I understand what personal hygiene is
  • I understand the importance of hand washing


In this lesson we understand the importance of maintaining personal hygiene. We will identify what personal hygiene is, understand the importance of handwashing and complete an experiment!


Healthy Hands are Happy Hands


Home Learning: Wednesday 3rd March 2021
 Collective Worship - Follow the link on Class Dojo to join in collective worship at 11am.

Literacy - Focus text 'If all the world were...' by Joseph Coelho


Join our 'live' literacy session at 9.30am on Zoom.  Make sure you enter the waiting room 5 minutes early so I can take the register and start the lesson promptly.


Learning Intention - To write about an activity you enjoy doing


Success Criteria - 

  • I have thought about someone who I consider to be special
  • I have explained how and why we have a good relationship
  • I have punctuated my sentences correctly (capital letters and full stops)
  • I have edited my writing before sending it on Class Dojo


You can view the Powerpoint for this lesson at any point during the day here:


'If all the world were...' - Wednesday 3rd March 2021


To open the slideshow - Enable editing, then select slideshow from the top, then play from the beginning.  Click the 'sound' icon to hear what your child needs to do in each part of the lesson. Pause at any time to complete tasks.


Don't forget to upload your work to Class Dojo!





 Spellings - Refer to Tuesday's spelling list.

 Reading Click Oxford Owl

Username and Password can be found in your child's reading record.

Log in at the top righthand corner of the webpage.

Browse ebooks and select a book for your child to read.


Reading Comprehension

Learning Intention - To answer straight forward questions about a text

Success Criteria -

  • I can read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words
  • I can recognise and read tricky words.
  • I can answer questions about a text


Today's reading is based on Marie Curie'.  Read the text then answer the questions.  Try to do as much independently as you can.  Choose which level you would like to attempt.


Phonics -


Learning Intention - To learn alternative graphemes for the ‘igh’ sound 


Success Criteria -

  • I can recognise the 'ie' sound in words
  • I can segment and blend words containing 'ie'
  • I can write words containing the 'ie' sound
  • I can read and write the tricky word - called


Join the Zoom Meeting at 2.15pm for an interactive phonics session.


Today will be revisiting the 'ie' grapheme which we learned previously in class.

Once finished you can have a go at this activity to consolidate:


Phonics Finder

Select ‘ie’.


The grid fills up with words then fills empty spaces with random letters. This means that you do occasionally get random words elsewhere. To be correct you must find where DJ Cow placed his words, e.g. a puzzle filled with 'ie' words may have 'pie' in two places. You have to find where the DJ placed his words.


Learning Intention - 


Success Criteria - 


Today's lesson can be accessed by clicking on the following video clip.  Feel free to pause whenever the need arises.  It is a good idea to print the sheets before watching the video as you are asked to pause at certain points where your child is required to answer specific questions on their worksheet.

Spr1.9.3 - Adding lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Worksheets and Answers


Learning Intention - To find out about how animals are affected by the seasons


Success Criteria - 

  • I can say how the seasons differ
  • I can say how the different seasons affect animal behaviour
  • I can explain the terms ‘adapt’ and ‘hibernate’


Recap the weather and features of the four seasons. Share ideas, then check on the slides.


How animals are affected by the seasons


  • How do you think the seasons affect animals that live in the wild?
  • Do you think it is easier to find food in the spring or the autumn?
  • Do you think it is easier to find stay warm in the summer or the winter?


Show children the seasons and a picture of a robin on the slides. Explain to your child that robins are in the UK all year, but that they have to adapt to the changes in the seasons.


  • What do you think robins do each season?


Share their ideas, then go through the robin’s year on the slides.


Challenge - Write a sentence to explain what is happening in each picture on the worksheet e.g. ‘In spring the robin builds its nest.’


Home Learning: Thursday 4th March 2021

Literacy - Focus text 'If all the world were...' by Joseph Coelho


Join our 'live' literacy session at 9.30am on Zoom.  Make sure you enter the waiting room 5 minutes early so I can take the register and start the lesson promptly.


Learning Intention - To describe a childhood memory


Success Criteria - 

  • •I have thought carefully about each sentence •I have punctuated my sentences correctly (using capital letters and full stops) •I have put a finger space between each word •I have made sure my writing is presented in a quality manner


You can view the Powerpoint for this lesson at any point during the day here:


'If all the world were...' - Thursday 4th March 2021


To open the slideshow - Enable editing, then select slideshow from the top, then play from the beginning.  Click the 'sound' icon to hear what your child needs to do in each part of the lesson. Pause at any time to complete tasks.


Don't forget to upload your work to Class Dojo!

  Spellings - Refer to Monday's spelling list.

 ReadingClick Oxford Owl

Username and Password can be found in your child's reading record.

Log in at the top righthand corner of the webpage.

Browse ebooks and select a book for your child to read.


Reading Comprehension

Learning Intention - To answer straight forward questions about a text

Success Criteria -

  • I can read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words
  • I can recognise and read tricky words.
  • I can answer questions about a text


Today's reading is all about 'World Book Day'.  Read the text then answer the questions.  Try to do as much independently as you can.  Choose which level you would like to attempt.

Phonics -


Learning Intention - To learn alternative graphemes for the ‘igh’ sound


Success Criteria -

  • I can recognise that the letter 'y' can make the 'i' sound in words
  • I can segment and blend words containing 'y'
  • I can write words containing the 'y' sound
  • I can read and write the tricky word - could


Join the Zoom Meeting at 2.15pm for an interactive phonics session.


Today will be revisiting the 'y' grapheme which we learned previously in class.

Once finished you can have a go at this activity to consolidate:


Use some of these words in sentences:




Challenge – Extend some of your sentences using the conjunctions ‘because, but, so, and’.


Learning Intention - 


Success Criteria - 


Today's lesson can be accessed by clicking on the following video clip.  Feel free to pause whenever the need arises.  It is a good idea to print the sheets before watching the video as you are asked to pause at certain points where your child is required to answer specific questions on their worksheet.

Spr1.9.4 - Subtracting lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Worksheets and Answers



Learning Intention - To compare two capital cities - Brasília and London


Success Criteria - 

  • I can locate (find) Brasília and London on a World Map
  • I can explain 3 ways in which Brasília is different to London
  • I can sort facts about the capital cities accurately working in pairs


Use the London Top Trumps Cards to compare the key landmarks and places of interest in London.


How is Brasilia Different from London?


Work through the lesson presentation to compare and contrast the human and physical features of the two capital cities focusing on weather, transport, housing, places to visit/tourism, physical features.


How is Brasilia different from London?

Look at the location of Brasilia and London on a world map on the Lesson Presentation maps. Identify both countries and capital cities on a globe.


  • Where is Brasilia?
  • Where is London?
  • What continents are they in?
  • What countries are they in?
  • What do you think the weather will be like in Brasilia? London? Why?


Use the photographs and descriptions on the lesson presentation to stimulate discussion.


Challenge: Brasilia or London? Read and discuss key facts about Brasilia and London.  Then use decision making skills to sort the facts into the correct pile (a pile of cards for each city).

Home Learning: Friday 5th March 2021
 Collective Worship - Follow the link on Class Dojo to join in collective worship at 11am.

Literacy - Focus text 'If all the world were...' by Joseph Coelho


Remember - no live zoom session today!


Learning Intention - To complete a book review


Success Criteria - 

  • I have identified the title and author of the book
  • I have explained the plot
  • I can name the characters
  • I have shared my opinion on the book


You can view the Powerpoint for this lesson at any point during the day here:


'If all the world were...' - Friday 5th March 2021


To open the slideshow - Enable editing, then select slideshow from the top, then play from beginning.  Click the 'sound' icon to hear what your child needs to do in each part of the lesson. Pause at any time to complete tasks.


Don't forget to upload your work to Class Dojo!

 Spellings - Refer to Monday's spelling list.

Ask an adult to test you on this week's spellings.

 Reading - Click Oxford Owl

Username and Password can be found in your child's reading record.

Log in at the top righthand corner of the webpage.

Browse ebooks and select a book for your child to read.


Reading Comprehension

Learning Intention - To answer straight forward questions about a text

Success Criteria -

  • I can read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words
  • I can recognise and read tricky words.
  • I can answer questions about a text


Today's reading is called 'The Very Naughty Leprechaun'.  Read the text then answer the questions.  Try to do as much independently as you can.  Choose which level you would like to attempt.




Learning intention - To learn alternative graphemes for the ‘igh’ sound


Success Criteria - 

  • I can recognise words containing the 'ie', '', 'i_e' and 'y' sounds in words


Remember - no live zoom session today!


Select ‘Phase 5’, then choose ‘ie’, ‘i_e’ and ‘y’.

Each player writes down 6 words then play Bingo with your family.


pie lie tie die cried tried spied fried
replied denied like time pine ripe shine prize
nice invite inside by my try why dry
sky spy fry reply gym crystal mystery pyramid
bicycle cygnet rhythm very happy funny carry hairy
smelly penny crunchy lolly merrily


As the words pop up , tick them off of your prepared bingo card.  Once you have ticked all six,  call out - 'BINGO!'.




Learning Intention - 


Success Criteria - 


Today's lesson can be accessed by clicking on the following video clip.  Feel free to pause whenever the need arises.  It is a good idea to print the sheets before watching the video as you are asked to pause at certain points where your child is required to answer specific questions on their worksheet.

Spr1.10.1 - Introduce weight and mass activity from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

No worksheets today.


History -

Learning Intention - To identify the features of a castle


Success Criteria - 

  • I can name the features of a castle
  • I know why castles had specific features
  • I know the function of each castle feature



Watch the following video to learn about the features of a castle:




Make a model of a castle.  Make sure you include some of the features we have learned about today.

Remember to upload photos of your creation to Class Dojo!