
At St John Baptist Primary school, we aim to deepen children’s understanding, confidence and competence in Maths. Pupils learn that the skills learnt in Maths are essential to everyday life and are not confined to number and calculation.

Maths in EYFS 


We use the White Rose EYFS mathematics scheme as the basis of our mastery-based curriculum. Although we use the scheme flexibly, the long term plan below helps to provide structure and ensure all children are ready for Year 1 by the end of the summer. Children go on to use the White Rose Curriculum for maths in Y1 through to Y6.


Maths carpet sessions with the whole class usually last about 15-20 minutes. During this time, children have opportunities to review what they are learning in a variety of ways, using a range of 'manipulatives' (objects), images, songs, rhymes and stories. This is to ensure they develop a deep understanding of number concepts.

There is a maths area in the classroom for children to explore and this is also used for small adult-led group work.

Some examples of the activities children may be involved in (couretesy of White Rose ©):


Our Maths Curriculum 

From Year 1 to Year 6, we use White Rose Maths as the foundation of our maths lessons. This exciting mastery-based approach, recommended by the DfE, is designed to support every child. It follows the concrete, pictorial, and abstract (CPA) methodology.

Each lesson is thoughtfully structured into sections that encourage discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice, and reflection. Children solve problems daily using concrete resources such as multi-link cubes & dienes blocks, pictorial representations, and abstract thinking, fostering deeper understanding and engagement with mathematical concepts.

At the core of White Rose Maths is the belief that every child can achieve and succeed as a mathematician.

The programme includes colour-coded workbooks for each topic, along with a suite of online teaching tools to support teachers in delivering dynamic and effective lessons.


In addition to the the maths booklets we use in class, we have also subscribed the White Rose Infinity which gives our pupils the ability to use online interactive quizzes to use in class (on our iPads and Chromebooks) and at home to support with their learning. 


Alongside White Rose Maths lessons, we have a fluency review. This is usually done weekly and covers the key areas of maths that have been taught.

These reviews are based on the ready-to-progress criteria, and ensures children are reviewing key concepts weekly.

A core set of representations have been selected to expose important mathematical structures and ideas, and make them accessible to pupils. Consistent use of the same representations across year groups help to connect prior learning to new learning.

Each row is directly linked to a specific ready-to-progress criterion which has support materials for practitioners to help children master that objective:

There are also additional resources found here:

Times Tables

Each week, children take part in a timed test of their multiplication facts. Children will progress onto the next ‘belt’ when their test answers are consistently error free and completed within 4 minutes. Here is a table showing the belt progression:

 Below is a guide to expected standards by the end of each year group.

Click here to download the booklet we use so you can practise at home. Click here for the black, gold and platinum tests. 

When the children achieve their next belt, this is awarded to them in certificate assembly. 

So how can I help at home?

  1. Practise, practise, practise

Use every opportunity to go over times tables verbally and ensure that they complete the times tables homework sheets (these will let you know what times tables they are on). Go over the ones your child gets stuck on and practise these even more! 

  1. Be positive

Be patient, positive and reward progress. Virtually all our children get to red belt, just at different rates.

  1. Use apps

Use apps. We strongly recommend Squeebles Times Tables, Squeebles Flip Multiplication and Squeebles Maths Race.

  1. Use songs

There are a growing and ever-updating number available online - please take care when searching and don't allow your child to search without supervision.



*See the calculation policy for more detail on our approach to teaching Maths and the Mathematical methods we teach.

Calculation Policy

*For more information on how to support your child's Maths learning at home, please visit the link below.

Supporting your child's Maths learning