Class Page - Year 3 - Archive - February 2021
Have a go at the activities. Why don't you try this game? How did you get on? |
. I can interpret and draw pictograms. . I can use symbols using 2,5 or 10 items. . I can interpret part of a symbol. |
Can you apply all of your reading skills to the Fossils comprehension? |
L.I.To learn about each stage of the life cycle of a plant Watch this video to learn about the plant’s lifecycle. Main activity - Can you match the descriptions to the correct stage of the life cycle? |
Write a song, rap or poem about your favourite book. Remember to illustrate your work. |
Can you apply all of your reading skills to the Roald Dahl comprehension? |
L.I To write a recount of the miracle 'Jesus calms the storm' Main activity - How would you have felt it your were a disciple on the boat? |
Write a song, rap. poem or a draw a picture about your lockdown experience. |