
Weekly Music Lessons - Charanga

These lessons develop the skills of listening, singing, notation, rhythm, composition, and learning how to play musical instruments. There are opportunities for children to develop their skills and knowledge and perform to each other in class lessons, as well as perform in class assemblies.

Key Stage 2 Choir

Mr Goodey leads a choir for Key Stage 2. The children audition to join; however, in Year 6, all of the children are able to join the choir if they have not joined beforehand. The choir practice weekly and perform to an exceptionally high standard. They perform a variety of pieces, including classical pieces. The children perform most pieces in two parts (upper part and lower part), singing from the sheet music. Their ability to harmonise and blend is developed and beautiful.

Key Stage 1 Singing

Key Stage 1 sing weekly with Mrs Lee. They enjoy performing together and often write new lyrics to well-known songs. They use actions and dance to perform and all children (Reception – Year 2) sing without having the words. This is one of the ways that we develop the children’s use of language and their memory skills. They learn about singers, rhythm and pitch during these sessions. They have been known to compose songs which include our Value Words, as well as our attitude towards learning.

Peripatetic Music Lessons

At St John’s, the children have a chance to learn a musical instrument. Currently, we offer children the chance to play the flute, violin or guitar. These lessons take place during the school day and the instruments are provided by Lewisham Music Service.

In Year 4, all children learn to play the recorder in a smaller group with a music specialist teacher. This often encourages the children to go on and learn another instrument afterwards, we well as teaching them about tone, pitch, rhythm, listening skills and notation.


At Christmas, Key Stage 1 perform a traditional Nativity with a modern twist, performing both solo pieces and songs as a collective choir. The children also have the chance to play instruments to accompany the music.

In Key Stage 2, the children perform in church, singing traditional carols, with the descant part. They also

Chorister Club

As part of our close relationship with the church, Jack Stone, the Director of Music at St John’s Church, leads a Chorister Club in church, which children from St John's are actively encouraged to join through our link with the church.  Recently, the choristers have been commissioned in the Sunday service, receiving their robes. In addition to their various weekly rehearsals and monthly services, the choristers are also making arrangements to join forces with other local churches and youth choirs, as well as organising a tour.