Religious Education

The aim of our RE curriculum is to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils in order to prepare them for later life. At St John’s, our learning is based on the Discovery RE scheme which means the lessons are enquiry based and enable children to explore, evaluate and consider their personal faith and values. Children are supported to set up, carry out and evaluate their own learning, revisiting ‘big questions’ throughout investigations which provide the context for their RE learning.

RE lessons have a distinct and reflective atmosphere. Children engage with religious text and think deeply about theological ideas raised from their learning. Our irresistible curriculum ensures that children are articulate in discussing issues and draw on the school’s “Learning Powers” and our School Values when discussing abstract thoughts and ideas. RE inspires them to develop their own spiritual meaning and purpose.

Each class visits a different place of worship each year as part of the cultural entitlement programme.