Here you can find out what we are all about and how you can get involved:

What is the PTFA?

The PTFA is the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association.  Here at St John Baptist C of E Primary School, we are a group of people including parents, teachers and friends, who help to organise both fundraising and social events.  Anyone who has a child/children at the school or who works at the school is automatically a member of the PTFA.  We are hoping to set up a number of committees to lead and organise specific events throughout the year, so people can be involved as much or as little as they want.

What are the aims of SJB PTFA?

We aim to raise funds to buy things that will benefit the children that the school could not otherwise afford, to organise social events for children for parents and their friends and to foster community relationships at our School.

Who can belong to the PTFA?

Anyone who has a child/children at the school or who works at the school is automatically a member of the PTFA.

How can we find out more?

We have regular meetings, a termly newsletter and communication networks that people can link into.


Each year group has a PTFA representative that disseminates information, updates and gives details of opportunities for people to get involved in via Whatsapp.  If you are not already on the group please contact your year rep or if you prefer an alternative method of communication, please let them know and we will make sure you get all the information you need.

Newcomers are always welcome.

What have we done?

Over the years there have been a range of whole school activities organised by the PTFA including summer fairs, discos, cafes, sponsored bounce events and themed evenings.


Next year we hope to hold a number of events which are equally fun and help to raise money for the school, including a ‘back to school ‘BBQ, Christmas shopping and pamper night, Cake Sales, Cinema night and many more.

Be part of the PTFA team at SJB

Being a member of the PTFA will give you lots of pleasure and enhance your family’s relationship with the school.  Mums and Dads, Staff and friends all combine as individuals to form a friendly school community and as Year 6 parents leave the school, new Reception parents join.  Everyone is made welcome at any stage through their involvement with the school and it is never too late to get involved.


It’s not just about meetings there are lots of ways you can get involved with the events and activities that raise vital funds to support our children in and around school.  You can still give your support in lots of different ways.  Here are just a few:

Planning & organizing ahead of an event   Shopping and driving

Designing, drawing and painting                  Baking and making

Print and production                                      Help on event day

Sourcing prizes and resources                      Counting funds raised

Writing & sending letters                      Bringing family & friends to events

Donating goods and services                        Sharing your ideas for future events

We are always on the lookout for new members with new and fresh ideas or helpers to run a stall at a fete or help out an event for half an hour whatever you can put in – all help is appreciated.

How to contact your PTFA

You can get in touch with the PTFA in a range of ways:

    1. Through your year rep (list above)

    1. Leave a message with the school Office and a PTFA member will contact you

    1. Email us at

Why fundraising is important

Like many other schools, SJB is under incredible financial pressures   Most recently, the school put a number of measures in place to bridge the funding gap. However, additional fundraising has never been more crucial for supporting the school to deliver the best  education and opportunities for our children.  The PTFA plays a huge role in fundraising for the school.  It is important that we plan and organise events that are fun and can generate maximum funds.   In addition, our events are not all about raising funds all the time.  The social events are equally important and give the children and adults an opportunity to enjoy many friendships at SJB.  Our success is firmly based on the team spirit which is much in evidence at all the events, whether it is for fund raising or, just as importantly, a social event where everyone can let their hair down!  Come and be part of this successful team.


Matched Giving/Match Funding is money for nothing. Your PTFA could be the recipient of extra cash for little additional effort.

Matched Giving appears to be a well-kept secret. Did you know there are hundreds of organisations throughout the UK that offer their employees the chance to boost their individual fundraising efforts by 'matching' the money they raise for their chosen charity?  Here's a quick guide to getting started.

Q: What is it?

A: Matched giving or matched funding is a simple way of maximising the fundraising efforts of our PTFA. It is an informal albeit corporate arrangement between a company and their employee. Not all companies offer matched funding but those that do will pledge a sum of money relating to the amount their employee has raised for or donated to the charity of their choice.  Some organisations will match fund on a £ for £ basis, others will stipulate what they are prepared to give. It is likely that an upper limit will be applied along with certain criteria. Some companies will also pledge time and resources instead of money, so enabling their employees to support a cause during their working week, or offering a tangible service such as the opportunity to print posters, programmes, newsletters and so on.

Q: Which organisations will support our PTFA?

A: There is no definitive list but it is safe to say that it is usually large organisations that will have established match funding programmes in place. Having said this, a match funding scheme can be adopted by any company no matter how big or small. There is a list attached of companies that do offer Match Giving/Match Funding.

Q: How do we get started?

A: To get things started you need to ask your employers if they operate or are interested in running a matched giving scheme. Approach to their boss in the first instance.

We would be extremely pleased to hear from you if this is something you could help us with. Myself or our Headteacher, would be more than happy to discuss this with you should you require any further information from us.


Come on, if there is free money to be had – OUR children would benefit enormously!


Many thanks