
Information for Parents/Carers:

As you will have heard, the rules around self-isolation for adults who have had both doses of the COVID-19 vaccination (over two weeks ago) and for children have changed. Here is a link to the latest NHS guidance: 

Please see this COVID-19 NHS booklet with information for families regarding primary school and coronavirus: 

In short, children under the age of 18 and those who have had both doses of the COVID-19 vaccination (over two weeks ago) do not have to isolate if they are in contact with someone who has tested positive. However, they still need to:

  • get a PCR test on GOV.UK to check if you have COVID-19
  • follow advice on how to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19
  • consider limiting contact with people who are at higher risk from COVID-19

With these rules in place, if a child or a member of staff in a class contracts COVID-19, although they will isolate, the remainder of the class will not need to. The remainder of the class will need to have a PCR test and will only isolate if this is positive.

The DfE have advised schools that some of the measures that we have been used to will no longer need to be in place. The full guidance can be found here: 

Self-isolating if you have travelled abroad:
If you have travelled abroad this summer, please ensure you are following the rules based on the below information and depending on whether the country is currently classed as Red, Amber or Green. Please see the Government guidance below: 

Measures still in place in school:
Enhanced cleaning across the school, especially of touch points and in between use by bubbles
Regular hand washing and use of hand sanitiser (unless allergic to hand sanitiser)
Use of bubbles inside the school
Increased ventilation in all classrooms and communal areas
One-way systems in necessary areas of the school
Parents/carers in the school building by appointment only
Reduced number of parents/carers in the school office at one time
PE Days – children to attend school in their PE kit for the whole day rather than changing at school. The class PE days will be confirmed by the class teacher.

Important Health Advice

Please follow the advice found at this link


  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • put used tissues in the bin immediately
  • wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell


  • do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

If the advice changes, we will update you as soon as we know.Please remember to follow the school procedures on reporting absences.

 Hand Sanitiser:

Please do not send your child in with an individual hand gel as there is a sanitiser hand gel available for all of the children in each classroom as they need it. We will be reminding the children regularly about how to wash their hands thoroughly, as this is always the most effective way to protect ourselves from germs.