The Governing Board
Welcome to the Governing Board of St John Baptist (Southend) CE Primary School
On behalf of the Governing Board, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school website and provide you with some information on the Governing Board at St John Baptist (Southend) CE Primary School.
The governors are volunteers who, using skills and experience from various backgrounds, work closely with the Headteacher to provide the very best opportunities for learning and development for all children at St John's. The governors are the strategic leaders of our school and have a vital role in making sure all children have access to an enriched education and the opportunities they deserve.
Our three core strategic functions are:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
There are 16 governors who have been appointed to ensure that these functions are met. We do this through our meetings where we support and encourage the Senior Leadership Team while acting as a critical friend.
At St John Baptist, governors, staff, volunteers, parents, carers and children work as a team, building on success, in a safe, happy, secure, stimulating and high attaining environment where everyone feels valued. We care for our school and want it to provide the best possible education for every child.
I would like to thank all parents and carers who encourage and support their children. Parents and carers are the prime educators of learning and it is so important that you work with the school and share a great interest in your child's learning and development.
Should you with to contact me to discuss any matters please do so by first contacting our Headteacher, Mrs Derham.
Andrea Blower
Chair of Governors
The Governing Board of St John Baptist (Southend) CE Primary School:
Governors Details
Name | Type of Governor | Position |
Mrs Elizabeth Derham | Ex-Officio | Headteacher |
Ms Andrea Blower | London Borough of Lewisham | Chair |
Mr Ralph Demeger | Staff | Deputy Headteacher |
Mrs Amanda Sharman | Parent | |
Mrs Sonia Jackson | Foundation | Vice-Chair |
Ms Morline Thompson | Parent | |
Mr David Harding | Foundation | |
Mr Mensah Elliot | Co-opted | |
Ms Joyce Joseph | Associate/Adviser | School Business Manager |
Mr Tony Myers | Associate/Adviser | Premises Officer |
Mrs Gloria Cole | Foundation | |
Reverend Peter Organ | Ex-officio | Team Rector based at St John's church |
Mrs Shea Hollis | Foundation | |
Mr Julian Lyons | Co-opted | |
Mr Lorean Innis | SDBE | |
Mrs Alison Lawrie | SDBE | |
Mr Emmanuel Akintokun | Co-opted |
Maintenance Scheme
As a Church of England "Voluntary Aided" School, we are not funded by Lewisham Education Authority for the upkeep of the building and grounds. The School Governors have responsibility for the external maintenance and insurance of the school building. The Southwark Diocesan Board of Education operates a 'Maintenance Scheme' which this school subscribes to and which contributes to the cost of the repair and maintenance. In order to help finance this essential maintenance the Governors seek donations from parents and friends.
If you accept a place for your child at St John's, you will be asked to make a contribution of £50 per family per year towards this fund. This is a voluntary contribution but naturally we rely heavily on parent's and carer's willingness to support the maintenance scheme in order to keep the structure and fabric of our school in good repair. Contributions can be made weekly, monthly, termly or yearly.